? Wellington ?Christchurch ?Palmerson North ? Invercagill ලග ලගම එනවා..
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“කවුරුවත් දන්නේ නෑ” | අළුත්ම සිංහල චිත්රපටය | බිමල්, සංගීතා, උදාරී
Benett Ratnayake’s latest film ‘Kawuruwath Danne Na’ (Nobody Knows)
Keep The Dates Free…
Wellington – Penthouse Cinema – 30th May
Christchurch – Hollywood Cinema – 30th May
Invercargill – Reading Cinema – 6th June
Palmerston North – Focal Point Cinema – 6th June
දුෂිත දේශපාලකයින්, මැරයන් රකින රටක්, නීතියක් !!
පොල් ගෙඩි 8ක් නිසා පරිවාස සිරගෙට යන්නට සිදුවන ගැහැණු ළමයෙක් !!
සමාජ අසාධාරණයට විරුද්ධව සටන් කරන සංවේදී පොලිස් නිළධාරියෙක් !!
පවතින ක්රමයට අභියෝග කර වෙනස් කරන්නට ඔවුනට හැකිවේද?
The film stars Bimal Jayakodi, Udari Warnakulasooriya, Sangeeta Weerarathne, Lucky Dias, Gihan Fernando, Jayani Senanayake, Buddadasa Vithanaarchchi, Dharshan Dharmaraj, Isuru Lokuhetti, Udara Rathnayake, Duleeka Marapane, Kumara Thirimadura, Crystal Imera, Adam Adamali, Teena shanel, Emmra Fernando, Sheven Fernando, Sathya rathnayake and Nemesha Anne.
Co-scripted by Chulabaya Ajantha Kumara Herath and Bennett himself, camera by Dhanushka Goonathilake, musical score by Milinda Thennekoan, and editor is Ajith Ramanayake.
Sound design by Aruna kaluarchchim, art direction Sujeewa Gunarathna, assistant director Prassane Ittepana, costume design by Kumara Karauwdeniya, makeup by Priyantha Disanayake, colorist is Dinidu Jagoda and visual effects by Chathra Weeraman,
To the lyrics of Sunil Ariyarathna, the playback song is sung by Nanda Malani.
Executive producer of ‘Kawuruwath Danne Na’ is Udara Rathnayake while promotional director is Athula Mahawalage.
21 Cowan Street, Franz Josef / Waiau 7886
Department of Conservation