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Friday, October 4, 2024

The Only Sri Lankan Community Newspaper in New Zealand

All About My Pet Nala | Akila Rupasinghe | Dunedin

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ශ්‍රී LankaNZ is a free distributed Sri Lankan Community Newspaper that aims to reach a Sri Lankan population of over 18,000 all over New Zealand. The demand for entertainment in literacy media itself gave birth to ශ්‍රී LankaNZ

Nala is my first pet. We got her from the SPCA in Invercargill. When we got her to Dunedin, she was so cute and fluffy. Nala’s real name is Margret. Nala has lots of friends. She has a friend who is the same as her. Nala is a molly. A molly is a girl cat or a girl kitten. When I go to bed Nala jumps on my bed. Nala is a young tabby cat. There is another tabby cat I know. It is  seven-years-old Winston. Some of Nala’s friends are young and old. Nala is one of the naughtiest cats, I know. Nala has a very tall cat tower at home. Nala sometimes climbs the cabbage tree too. My sister Arya made a home for Nala. Nala really likes them all. When Nala was eleven months old, she caught a big mouse. We celebrated Nala’s first birthday in June.

By Akila Rupasinghe-Dunedin

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ශ්‍රීLankaNZ සමාජ සත්කාරය අඛණ්ඩවම පාඨකයන් වෙත රැගෙන එන්නට ඔබගේ කාරුණික දායකත්වය අත්‍යාවශ්‍යමය. එය ස්වෙච්ඡා සේවක කණ්ඩායමට මෙන්ම පුවත්පතට ලිපි සපයන සම්පත් දායකයින්ට ද ඉමහත් ධෛර්යයක්වනු ඇත. ශ්‍රී ලන්කන්ස් පුවත්පතේ ඉදිරි ගමනට අත දෙන්න.

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