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Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Only Sri Lankan Community Newspaper in New Zealand

‘My Little Tortoise’ | Diyamanthi Galpoththage

Must read

ශ්‍රී LankaNZ is a free distributed Sri Lankan Community Newspaper that aims to reach a Sri Lankan population of over 18,000 all over New Zealand. The demand for entertainment in literacy media itself gave birth to ශ්‍රී LankaNZ

This is an interesting story about a missing baby tortoise.

Set in a Sri Lankan background, a little boy, Saman, begins to feed his pet baby tortoise happily and learns counting the days of the week. But that joy abruptly stops one day when the baby tortoise goes missing. Saman, searching for the little baby tortoise with the help of his loving mum and friend, found it hiding in between its parents. It is the most loving, most caring and safest place on this whole earth for a baby tortoise to snuggle!

The book, mostly suitable for children between 3-6 years, is a good bedtime read for the diverse communities in New Zealand to get to know little of the small island nation, Sri Lanka. Highlights are loving care for animals, helping friends when in need, mum’s love for her son and family bond. Children will get to know little of Sri Lanka, i.e. a common shade tree, a common flower that bloom in ponds and a common plant that tortoises like to eat. Childrens names in the story are Sri Lankan too. Children will get to know how the little boy, Saman (protagonist) organises food for the baby tortoise, for the seven days of the week with the help of his mum. The book also gives the way of counting for little ones along with Saman and clapping hands for achievement and happiness.

Writing stories to kids of 3-6 years old needs special skills that Diyamanthi has acquired by reading the work of  Enid Blyton, Sybil Wettasinghe  and JK Rowling. Also, she writes regularly to the Kids Corner in Sri LankaNZ. Atthamma’s stories 1 and 2 were published in the last two issues. The Little Tortoise is approved by the Brisbane City Council Library and is in their catalogue.

The 28 pages book, available at www.wheelers.co.nz, www.fishpond.co.nz and www.peterpal.com.au  is full of  beautifully illustrated kids’ friendly pictures by Madhani Illangassinghe.


By Diyamanthi Galpoththage

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ශ්‍රී LankaNZ(ශ්‍රී ලංකන්ස්) is a free distributed Sri Lankan Community Newspaper that aims to reach a Sri Lankan population all over New Zealand. If you would like to appreciate our commitment, please consider a contribution.