This article will discuss the endangerment of Maui dolphins and how we can save these species from extinction. This topic is important because Maui dolphins are only found on the coasts of New Zealand, making them an important species for us to know about. Maui Dolphins are the rarest dolphin in the world and they are also the most endangered animal in New Zealand. Maui dolphins grew from a subspecies of Hector dolphins. They live between the Manukau and Raglan harbours. The main difference between Hector dolphins and Maui dolphins are Maui dolphins have larger skulls.
Fact – did you know that Maui dolphins have a flat black dorsal fin like Mickey mouse ears!
How they became so endangered
The big question is what made them become so endangered. Maui dolphins breathe air like all mammals so they can only stay underwater for short periods . But, when they swim up to the surface to breathe, fishing nets may tangle in their fins. Ocean pollution like oil spills will poison and harm them too. Then the plastics and metals that humans are using too much of can also be harmful for their bodies.
Fact – There are only 64 Maui dolphins left in the whole world
How we can protect Maui dolphins
The New Zealand Government has banned fishing nets around Maui dolphins habitat and they have also restricted ocean mining. The government has built five marine mammal sanctuaries along Mairangi Bluff to Wanganui. This will help to grow the Maui dolphin population. Also we all can take action to take over climate change by considering the actions we take around waste and emissions.
Everyone has to contribute to help Maui dolphins by using less plastics and bring awareness to people that Maui dolphins are an endangered species. We don’t want to see Maui dolphins disappear from Earth. Let’s get together and save them!
By Declan Mendis – 10 years old